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ALICE, Virtual Receptionist: The Health and Safety Features

Virtual receptionist services were already enjoying rapid growth before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this global event has displayed how vital it is for companies to modernize health and safety procedures. They also need the right equipment to protect their staff and customers.

When people begin to re-enter physical workplaces, they will naturally have concerns about their safety. But a virtual receptionist service can give them peace of mind. Unfortunately, not all systems have the ability to reduce risks. But, when you know what to look for, you can find the right system for your business.

Read on to find out how the ALICE Receptionist service can help with your health and safety requirements. 

Health and Safety Features During COVID-19

It was impossible to predict the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses around the world. Hopefully, professionals will not have to take the same precautions for much longer. But for now, there is a need for specialized technology to keep workers safe. 

The intelligent ALICE Receptionist system has helped many companies respond quickly to the changing landscape. For offices that remained open, even to a smaller extent, ALICE provided visitors with a safer working environment.

The ALICE Receptionist platform uses a thermal camera for temperature screening and can identify if a person is wearing a face mask. 

The addition of health questionnaires allows companies to establish if a visitor should enter the premises. It is also possible to display health & safety policies and procedures. Outside of health screenings, ALICE can also reduce the number of high-risk visitors by screening them against the US Consolidated Screening List and Customizable Private Screening Lists. 

Importantly, visitors never need to touch the screen. They use motion-activated disposable stylus dispensers to reduce the risk of contamination. Or they can use their mobile device to control the ALICE screen, for a complete touchless experience.

These features are essential for protecting the health of all parties in a building. But they also ensure businesses can prove they are taking steps to protect everyone on their premises. Not only is this beneficial for employee morale, but it also enhances a company’s reputation. 

Features Beyond COVID-19

Of course, the hope is that the COVID-19 pandemic will be over sooner rather than later. If this is the case, you’ll want to be sure your investment in a virtual receptionist system provides a good return on investment. In reality, this type of system was always expected to become common place in the lobby environment.

As technology advances, there will only be more reasons to purchase these intelligent devices.

Visitor Management Services

It can be time-consuming and unnecessary for a receptionist to deal with visitor management duties. They already need to answer the phone, direct calls, and respond to online queries. If they are too busy, they may not keep track of who is checking in and who has left the premises.

This can pose a serious risk to the people in the building, especially in an emergency such as a fire.  Therefore, it can be a great aid to have virtual receptionist software help them throughout their day.

When a visitor arrives, they can enjoy a friendly greeting as they check-in at the kiosk. You can set up an induction program, print visitor badges, and provide important instructions. There is even an employee notification system, so your staff know their client is in the building. 

Virtual Receptionist Security Measures

A virtual office receptionist can also provide many health and safety advantages for staff. The ALICE system can provide records showing that the user reviewed and accepted video instructions, or signed off on office health and safety policies.

Visitor photos can also help verify a guest’s identity. This means employees can go back in the visitor record and find out if someone was in the building at a specific time.

Visitor and Staff Links

There may be occasions when a client comes to your premises but does not need to go an employee’s office. In fact, this may be preferable to avoid the spread of infection. This doesn’t have to be due to COVID-19; it could be that a client has a cold or the flu and doesn’t want to infect others. 

In this scenario, they can use the ALICE Receptionist system to place a voice or video call to the relevant staff member. This means someone who is sick will not be walking throughout your building, possibly infecting many other employees.

Contact ALICE Receptionist Today

ALICE Receptionist is an industry leader in virtual receptionist services. Our full-service visitor management solutions help businesses reduce the risk to the health and safety of visitors as well as employees. With a range of customizable features, you can create the ideal user experience for visitors in a cost-effective manner.

Our software is at the cutting-edge of modern technology, and we take pride in providing our services to multiple industries. We look forward to discussing your requirements and forming a long-term partnership.

For a consultation and a free quote, contact the ALICE Receptionist team today.

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